FAKE aghast that I had never seen those.

Summer 2010 was epic.  And not just epic, but like, Fucking Epic.  There were more than a few people involved in the circus following the solstice, some people got it, some people didnt, some people took it for granted, others made it happen and the select made it unforgettable.  Somewhere in the middle of an unusually warm, bright, Dutch World Cup summer (translate: outfuckingstanding) I had sat down at the terrace all of us seemed to gravitate towards on a regular, semi-regular or daily basis and kicked back to watch what would float by when the first text came in.

Come up to the basketball court around the corner, we are painting an RV, hurry.  I have been featuring FAKE in a longform project Ive been on for over a year now, this is usually how it goes.


The spot where my old stencils are.

I was pretty sure I knew the park, surely I had passed by it a trillion and seven times but I didnt recall seeing any stencils there at all.  I hopped on the bike, and when I got there was met with the fabulous good fortune of spontaneity that makes the scene over there so off the hook.

Fake, London Police, Ives One and a few other artists had come down to paint someone’s RV.  They were deep into it by the time I showed up, mad photography ensued as soon as the fiets hit the ground.

When FAKE finished his piece I casually asked him what the hell he was talking about when he texted earlier.

yeah man, these are some of my first stencils,

except someone covered one up, where’s that ladder?  let me show you.

All the times I had biked past there, I had never noticed.  Shame on me.  So there we were, brand new stuff from FAKE, framed by origins.

Lots more stuff from this afternoon to come.   More FAKE here:





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