you hurt and abuse, telling all of your lies.


If I had to pick, this would be at the top of the list of my favorite stencils Ive seen this year.  Would love to know who put these up.


My favorite partof this stencil is its size and location: small and low.  Its not so frequently that Jimmy Page (or anyone else in Led Zeppelin, Richard Cole included) meets your gaze as you wander aimlessly with your head hung low.  My second favorite part of this stencil is that out of the countless images he could have used, 1970 Royal Albert Hall cardigan Jimmy Page was the one the artist picked.  Awesome choice, haha.


Quite possibly the best footnote in pop history, the slaying birth of heavy rock was initially delivered to the British masses in a cardigan.  The depth of Page’s cool really hasnt even begun to be probed…  Let these quick yet awesome throw ups serve as a reminder of the secret history of wool in the annals of rock.  I’ll leave the how many more times or dazed and confused query for debate…

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